
Configure Appointment Details

Appointments at Park Surgery

Urgent appointments

To make an appointment please download our new patient app - Dr.iQ powered by Evergreen Life.

How do I access the app?

  1. Click here to download the app on your mobile device 
  2. Create an Evergreen Life account
  3. Link to your GP securely with NHS login to access your GP services
  4. Tap ‘Request help from GP’ to get support from a clinician


If you’re unable to download the app or don’t want to use online services, please contact the practice directly by phone to make a request.


Call 999 for life-threatening or very serious situations. 

If you're unsure what service to use, you click here for more information on NHS emergency services. 

Out of Hours

Call 111 if you think you need medical assistance now and the surgery is closed. They can give advice, book appointments or arrange an ambulance depending on your concerns.

Routine appointments

To make an appointment please download our new patient app - Dr.iQ powered by Evergreen Life.

How do I access the app?

  1. Click here to download the app on your mobile device 
  2. Create an Evergreen Life account
  3. Link to your GP securely with NHS login to access your GP services
  4. Tap ‘Request help from GP’ to get support from a clinician


If you’re unable to download the app or don’t want to use online services, please contact the practice directly by phone to make a request.

Home Visits

Where appropriate our clinicians will visit you in your home to perform a consultation or assessment.

This may be because you are registered housebound or are unable to attend the surgery for another reason. Please discuss with the clinician who triages you. 


Park Surgery benefit from a team of Paramedic Practitioners who increase our capacity, allowing us to perform more home visits for those in need. 

The GP may ask a paramedic to attend instead when more appropriate. 

Request an appointment online

Online Consultation Services

Online Services – faster, easier access to your GP practice

To provide you with an upgraded experience for requesting help from the practice and taking control of your health, we are launching our new patient app - Dr.iQ powered by Evergreen. This means you can now access your GP services and request help from the practice via the Evergreen Life app.

What is Dr.iQ, powered by Evergreen?

The new app brings all your health information, GP records and services into one place.

With the Evergreen Life app, you can:

  • Order repeat prescriptions easily
  • Access your GP records and results
  • Request help from your GP surgery
  • Get insights on how to be as happy and healthy as possible

Please make sure that you only use the links or QR codes on this page to download the Evergreen Life app if you are registered at The Park Surgery.

How do I access the app?

  1. Click here to download the app on your mobile device  or scan the QR code below
  2. Create an Evergreen Life account
  3. Link to your GP securely with NHS login to access your GP services
  4. Tap ‘Request help from GP’ to get support from a clinician

If you’re unable to download the app or don’t want to use online services, please contact the practice directly by phone to make a request.

Getting started on the Evergreen app

Please click here to watch a video on getting started on the app

Why use the app?

  • Quick response time – around 80% of requests are completed on the same day.
  • Easy for everyone – get a prompt response as a parent, carer, or patient.
  • Help with any problem – request help for medical problems, advice, test results, and administration queries.
  • Get help from home – avoid unnecessary visits to the practice and fit healthcare in around your lifestyle
  • Choose how you want to communicate – call, face-to-face, or message – it’s up to you!
  • Access NHS-assured GP services – order repeat prescriptions easily and access your medical records and results.
  • Secure communication – your medical details remain confidential to you and your GP.



An extremely useful tool with lots of uses from ordering medication, viewing your medical record and managing your appointments. 

Unfortunately, we are not able to accept requests for appointments via the NHS App, but you can manage your appointments. 

Click here for more information. NHS App.

Click on the links below to access the online consultation services

Extended Access Hubs

Evening and weekend access to GP appointments

GP appointments are now available during the evening and at the weekend for people registered with a GP in Horsham and Mid Sussex.

This means that both routine and urgent appointments are available at a local hub during weekday evenings and on a Saturday and Sunday, to make sure local people get the health help and support they need.

NHS Horsham and Mid Sussex CCG, working in partnership with local patients and clinicians, designed the service. The appointment hubs are run by Alliance for Better Care Ltd, the local GP Federation.

How to book an evening or weekend appointment at a hub

Appointments can be booked through your own GP practice in the normal way, during normal opening hours. Clinicians working at the hubs will be able to access your medical records with your agreement. You will be asked before any information is shared and can decline if you wish.


When to visit a Pharmacy

Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals with the clinical know-how to give you the help you need. They can assess your minor illness and recommend the right treatment, whether it’s over-the-counter medicines, a few days rest or a bit of reassurance.

What can they help with?

Sore throats Coughs & Colds Tummy troubles       Aches & Pains
Red eyes Sleeping issues Mouth ulcers Constipation/Diarrhoea

They can also help with any new medication queries you may have and with healthy living support, such as smoking cessation, weight management, and alcohol comsumption. 

For more information, visit:

Cancelling appointments

It is extremely important that you inform the practice if you are unable to attend your appointment as early as you can, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. In extreme cases, you may be removed from the list if you repeatedly fail to attend appointments without cancelling.

You can cancel your appointments using SystmOnline and the NHS App, and this would be our preference - just click on the links above.

Otherwise, please call the surgery on 01403214 604 - please leave a detailed message.

DNA appointments

If you do not attend your appointment it has a big impact on our services and our patients. 

Each week we might see 40-50 appointments unused due to DNA's. 

It's vital you inform us as early as you can so the appointment can be used for another in need.

In extreme cases you may be removed from our patient list if you repeatedly DNA without cancelling your appointment.