Antenatal Care

New Pregnancy

Step 1

Decide which hospital you would like to give birth with.

Step 2

Visit your chosen hospital's website and complete an online maternity referral form.

Step 3

The hospital will contact you around 10 weeks into your pregnancy to arrange your appointments.


For information about local options, please use the links below.


For general information about pregnancy, please visit the Patient Info website using the link below.

Pregnancy | Planning, Labour and Complications | Patient


For any medical concerns please contact the surgery on 01403 330266.


Professionals in Antenatal Care in the Community

General Practitioner

Your GP makes the initial referral to the Consultant for a patient's ante natal care and then shares ante natal care with the Midwife. The patient is referred to the Consultant at the hospital where the patient chooses to have her baby. This hospital would normally be within the area, i.e. Princess Royal Hospital, Royal Sussex County Hospital or Worthing and Southlands Hospital.


The Midwife is responsible for the general well being of mothers and babies and their ante natal care, and post natal care for up to 28 days after birth. The Midwife informs patients of their options and places for delivery and books the patient for a hospital or home birth. The midwife will discuss ante natal care and advise on diet and smoking and arrange for you to attend parent craft classes.


The Consultant is responsible for advice and management of high risk pregnancies and for any patient who develops problems during the ante natal period, delivery and/or the post natal period.

Health Visitor

The Health Visitor will visit during the ante natal period if possible and then is responsible for care and advice for the child from birth to pre-school up to 5 years of age.

Social Worker

The Social Worker will be involved with families who need extra support and advice at what may be a difficult time for them. Problems are flagged up by the Midwife, Health Visitor or GP and may range from general family aid to issues around child protection/abuse.

Ultra Sonographer

The Ultra Sonographer performs ultrasound scans which would routinely be a Nuchal scan at 12-13 weeks then another anomaly scan at 21 weeks. Scans can be performed at any time throughout the ante natal period to check for growth, dates etc. Any abnormalities detected are referred to either the local Consultant, GP and Midwife or to a London specialist if appropriate.

Schedule of Routine Appointments for Antenatal Checks

First Baby

Subsequent Babies

8-10 weeks

8-10 weeks

12 weeks - scan

12 weeks - scan

16 weeks

16 weeks

20-23 weeks - scan

20-23 weeks - scan

24 weeks

24 weeks

28 weeks

28 weeks

32 weeks

32 weeks

34 weeks -


36 weeks

36 weeks

38 weeks

38 weeks

40 weeks

40 weeks

41 weeks

41 weeks